Pastors notes for January 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, I’m sorry that this bulletin took so long to produce, I ended this last year with double hernia surgery and it hit my body a lot harder than I expected. I am now getting back to some what normal. Wow, what a year we had last year, between the pandemic, and the goverment shutdowns, and the political unrest, and even into the new year it has been quite the ride. But one thing has been steady thru it all my King Jesus, our King Jesus is still on the throne in heaven, and he rules over all, whether they recognize Him or not. He continues to guide and protect His children all over the world, even in the midst of all our trials and tribulations. He is ever faithful, ever loving, ever kind, and ever truthful, even as the devil and his servants continue to lie, cheat, and spreading doubt, and division, and hate, in a world that so needs love and unity. The Word of God is given that we might have light in this dark world, and walk in that light, honoring our creator by responding in love, and walking in His love daily by being a doer of His Word. If you need a good dose of the truth, don’t turn on the worldly news, but turn to the good news by opening the Bible, and studying about true history. God’s interaction with mankind and His future plans and promises to those who believe, and put their trust in Him. Men and women will fail you, the strength of the flesh is temporary and fleeting, mental prowness is prone to pride and self exaltation, but love covers a multitude of sins when we trust Jesus as our Savior, and learn to be led by God’s Holy Spirit. As we begin this new year, lets determine ourselves to be a force for good in this world being lights in the darkness, beacons of truth in word and deed, anointed vessels of God’s loving kindness, being peacemakers who bring the word of reconciliation and forgivness. For blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God. Love, peace, and blessing, to you all, Pastor Frank 🙂