Pastors notes for February 2021

Dearest friends and family in Christ, I hope all is well with every one of you as we continue to forge ahead in our Christian faith. We continue to hold in person services following the guidlines set out by the state of Texas. For those of you that have been going thru surgeries, quarantines, and those who have been awaiting your immunizations.I really think I can relate to you all right now as Sister Rose and I have been going thru our medical difficulties in the repair, and upkeep of these mortal shells. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to get around to visit many of you as we are still working to resolve some issues related to surgery. Please continue to pray for us and our healing. As we pray for each one of you for both healing and protection during this national pandemic. For those of you, we have not seen in person, whether in the Red Rock area, or outside the area or state. It is really our hearts desire to fellowship with each and every one of you, and I believe it is the will of God that we continue to build each other up in the faith by staying in touch with one another by whatever means possible. Jesus said, let us love one another as He has loved us. His was a sacrificial love. He revealed himself as the Passover Lamb as He shared the Passover with His disciples, and we must recieve Him as our personal Passover sent to save us from our sins and sentence of death that we’ve surely earned. For the wage of sin is death, but the gift of God is everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord. We all must recieve the sacrifice of His body and His blood that will bring us life, and that more abundant life, that is only possible by making our peace with God, and walking in that peace. Please find joy in the Lord, and strengthen the things that remain. Count your blessings, and enduring thru your tribulations, knowing that you are not alone, and that all things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to His pupose. Love and peace be with each and everyone of you this day, as you find joy in your journey, Pastor Frank šŸ™‚