Pastors notes December 2020

Dearly beloved, called to be saints,in this world,but not of this world, I hope this finds you all well; physically, spiritually,and mentally. As we near the close of this year and we begin this Christmas month, let us be faithful to proclaim the love of God in our words and deeds: that has all been made possible by the gift of His son Jesus Christ our Savior. What a great present it is to be accepted by a holy and righteous God because of our belief and trust in His beloved son come to be the lamb of God, and to take away the sins of the world. For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. Please continue to pray for a peaceful and honorable end to the elections, both presidential and senate. Above all that Gods will be done in America, and around the world. Meanwhile, due to the pandemic, and the emergency order still in place, our annual hay ride and Christmas caroling event has been canceled. We will still be having our monthly dinner on the grounds, where we will be grilling steaks that have been generously donated by sister Carols miller’s sister. If you’re going to be in the area and you haven’t been to services in awhile. Please plan on attending, both worshipping God with us in the morning service, and fellowshipping with the body of Christ here assembled at Red Rock for lunch. For those of you that are still quarantined due to medical reasons or possible Covid 19 exposure. Please know that you are loved and missed, and you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers, as we all endeavor to persevere through this ongoing pandemic both thoughtful and carefully continuing to press on, in faith believing. Trusting in the living God who has come to live in our hearts. And who is worthy of praise and thanksgiving every day, but especially at this time of year, when we celebrate the greatest gift ever given, the man come down from heaven, the Christ child, the Word made flesh, the Son of God, Emmanuel. Love and blessings to each and every one of you, Pastor Frank : )