Pastor notes July 2022

Dearly Beloved, as we begin our journey through summer and all that entails. Whether we are traveling to visit family or friends or vacationing, we need to be mindful of the Lord, of His ways, and also of our witness. Let us remember that as our forefathers risked everything to declare their independence from Great Britian and King George. They also acknowledged their dependence on Almighty God, to preserve them, and keep them. This separation was brought about due to an abuse of God-given authority. God is the highest authority,and all men are subject to His will. Whether it is the authority in the household, the authority in the Statehouse, or the authority of the national goverment, all are accountable to God, and to obey His revealed will. Where in other lands rights were granted by men, and could be taken by men. Our founders recognized that certain rights were granted by God and unalienable by men. Life ,Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. The Liberty and freedom flowing from God’s Holy Spirit made America a place where men and women had the freedom to worship, to speak, to live, in subjection to God without offense, to Him, or to their neighbor. Individual rights were protected from the majority, in the the natural rights that were given by God, and codified into law. Even though at that time, the majority of citizens were colonists from Britain. Many of them were believers in, and followers of the God of the Bible, and His son Jesus Christ, and were unified in their faith and trust in Him. As we look at our country today, and it’s relationship to God, we can see how that as a country we have drifted away from having a sincere,and honest relationship with our Heavenly Father. Brothers and Sisters we need to pray for our people, and for our land, that God might heal it, and restore our faith, in His Holy Word, in His Holy Spirit, and in His Holy Son Jesus. We need a revival to grip our hearts , and awaken our minds, to walk in the presence of the living God daily, that He may again be glorified in our nation, and even in our laws. Recognizing His way as the best way, and also the blest way. May He again unite us, in His truth, and in His Spirit. Love and peace to you all, Pastor Frank 🙂